Useful Information

Our flavor concentrates can be used for multiple causes, foods, drinks, cosmetics, medical, … Our flavors are manufactured in food grade factories meeting all hygienic standards.

When using our flavors always mix them with something, (yoghurt for example) never use them pure.

Depending on the use our flavors may need some time to give a good taste, fruity flavors often quickly reveal their tastes while tobacco-style or dessert-style flavors may need up to 3 weeks.

Based on our experience we recommend the following waiting period before enjoying the finished product:

Flavors from “Aromea”:
– fruits, soft-drink mint and candy flavors : 1-2 days
– vanilla, coffee, chocolate, pralines, nuts and similar : 1 week (after 2-3 weeks the taste should improve even more)
– tobacco : 1-2 weeks (after 3 weeks the taste should improve even more)

Flavors from Capella and Flavorika:
– 2-3 weeks for mint candy and fruity flavors
– cake, pralines, donut and similar : 3-4 weeks

If your not satisfied with your recipe try one of the following expert hints:
Use additives to make the liquid sweeter (sweeter, ethyl maltol) or to make it tastier (ethyl vaniline), these products are available on our website